The benefits of link building for vets

What is link building?

Link building simply means acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. For vets, it can be an extremely cost-effective way of getting more visitors to your practice website just by obtaining links back to your site from other reputable websites.

Let us help with link building

What are the benefits for vets?

There are three big benefits to link building. Done correctly, it can help you to:

1. Move up the search results

Good link building can help you outrank your competitors in organic search results. This is because the more links your website has from other websites, the more authoritative search engines think your vet website is.

Each quality and relevant link to your site is seen by Google as a vote of confidence for your practice, which boosts your reputation and means you’re rewarded algorithmically in their results pages with a better position.

2. Create high quality traffic

Appearing higher on Google’s results page will naturally give you an advantage over your competitors when it comes to getting the attention of new clients. But good link building can also lead to high quality referral traffic back to your website, which in turn raises your site’s visibility.

By reaching out to trusted vet websites or sites targeted at pet owners to exchange links, you’ll ensure that prospective clients who click through to your homepage have been sent there by a source they trust, and are therefore more likely to book an appointment with you.

3. Build relationships

This type of online relationship building benefits both parties, and is a great way to signal to other websites that you are a willing participant in link building for SEO, helping you raise your profile even further.

You can also build an incentive for bloggers and other site owners to engage with your website, perhaps by providing a guest blog post or a testimonial as well as swapping links. As your websites grow, these relationships can be very valuable, and it can help you widen your network of links, too.

So, there’s plenty to love – link building is a simple and effective way to boost your client database and get your name out there. But if you need some help, we can ensure that your practice is listed on all relevant vet practice associated websites both at a national and local level, which is a great place to start.

 If you want to know more, or simply aren’t sure where to begin, have a chat with our team of experts – we’d be happy to give you some advice.