The 6 best ways that successful marketers keep on top of their social posting!

Here at Connected Vet we understand how much time effective marketing can take vet practices. That’s why we offer it as a service – creating a social media strategy month by month, tailored to your own practice. 

However, if you would rather keep your hands on your practice’s social accounts then fear not. We have rounded up our 6 best tips on how you can keep a handle on regular and engaging posting! 

1. Scheduling.

  •  For scheduling, preparation is key so anytime you come across an idea you want to post, make a note of it for when you sit down to complete your scheduling. 

2. Struggling for ideas? Look to your staff.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask your team for ideas. Your whole team represent your vet practice in the day-to-day running of things, so involve them in your online presence. Plus, by asking an employee about one topic, you immediately get a different perspective to your own. This will help you create well-rounded content for a variety of audiences.

3. Share topical news relating to your specific industry.

  • As a practice, sharing important topical news will help keep your followers informed of any changes that could affect them or their pet. Keep an eye out for regulation updates or seasonal issues that your clients would benefit from knowing. 

4. If all else fails – use a cute animal picture.

  • In our industry, cute pet pictures are extremely easy to come by. Plus, it’s something that followers never seem to tire of. Just make sure you ask for the owner’s consent to use the picture on your social media and record it on their client file.  

5. Lookout for trends.

  • Using the current trends and appropriate hashtags will help your content reach a wider audience, eg. using trending music clips in a video.


6. Ask clients to leave a review – then share it! 

  • Sharing a review on your social pages helps to enforce the idea that clients can trust you. Plus, it’s a great free advertisement for your business! Ask the reviewee for their permission ahead of sharing. 
  • If you are still struggling to find the time to create engaging and effective social media content, contact us today and we can discuss how Connected Vet could help your business grow.